How can you make your body fluids/sweat smell better
Men must intake fruit (especially citrus, bananas, and papayas), spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, and peppermint, among others), parsley, wheatgrass, and celery. Big no to Cigarettes, caffeine, red meat, onions, and garlic.
For the ladies, add pineapple, celery, yogurt, red grapes, cranberry juice, lots of water, mint, watermelon, and strawberries to diet. Big no to Beer, coffee, alcohol, asparagus, most dairy, onions, meat, and fish.
The suggestions are good
Nov 05
The body is meant to smell while having your natural food.All the talk of eating specific food is only for the rich.God has given all the vegetables & fruit as it is required as per the weather.Eating these which are not seasonal is bad for the body.
Nov 04
Ms. Nikita, Most of us today may be diabetic patients, perhaps, in addition other health complications. Are you suggesting that just to have better smell, they should start your recipe? Or do you have anything for them too?
Nov 04
Sweat by itself does not smell and it is used by the body to control it's temperature. The quantum of sweating can, at times, be more or less due to certain medical conditions. The smell is generated due to the bacteria on the body's surface breaking down the proteins in the sweat into acids. Sweat smell can be impacted by what one eats and I agree with Mr. Ratti that it is a 'bit of a stretch' to advise women and men to eat differently so that they smell different! I would focus more on personnel hygiene and clean clothes for a pleasant body odour!! And you are wrongly advising people not to eat some very good foods e.g., onions, garlic, asparagus, fish, ... one will likely smell bad if one is not in good health because of not eating healthy!
Nov 04
Ms. Nikita, I was really reminded of the favourable foods when I read the post. But dont be cross with me with this. Why the Big no no for men stop wit Cigarettes ,Caffeine. Where did Alcohol go? Was it was missed by oversight ? You have drawn a Vertical line between Men and Women.Why ? Both have the same Pysiological Functions with mild variations . This variation is due to Estrogen and Testosterone,that determines sexual behaviour . And both sexes have both the hormones , only the concentration varies determining the sexual Charecteristics.
Nov 04